P.Fay. 143 descr. SB XVIII 13975 Inv. Id P.Cair. CG 10245 Support/Dimensions Papyrus Origin Karanis (Arsinoites)
More from Karanis (Arsinoites)
Material Papyrus Date Anfang V
More from the period between 401 CE and 425 CE
Commentary Datierung: 12. Aug., 10. Indiktion. Print Illustrations Tafel LI; ZPE 64, 1986, Tafel VIII a Subjects Quittung; Steuern; Weizen Images http://ipap.csad.ox.ac.uk/4DLink4/4DACTION/IPAPwebquery?vPub... License Creative Commons License © Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Trismegistos: 35147 [source]

Catalog Record: oxford-ipap.apis.1387 [xml]

APIS Translation (English)

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . On day X] we embarked from Daámët;2. and we arrived in] Sayl[a] on Thursday. We reached Fust��t on Saturday evening;3. and the full moon appeared to us on Saturday evening in Fust��t. Then we headed;4. for Rashëd in seven days. And my rental expenses from Rashëd to Alexandria amounted to;5. one dën��r minus half a qër��t. Having arrived in Alexandria, we stayed;6. there for a week. Then we displayed our goods (for sale) on Monday and Allah supported our display,;7. thanks be to Allah. Make sure, oh AbȦ æl-����rith, that for my sake Yuáannis;8. . [. . .] the old man (shaykh) with the wheat of the mill and sift [it] and take it. And when;9. each one is done, then send Zayd and let him measure each on. And order Sanb��;10. not to neglect improve the field. And if you are able to, obtain;11. for me the land of BilatȦs b. Bëhawëh���s which you mentioned, (then do so);12. if you think it a good idea. Or tell Yuáannis b. Sawërus (to give it to me), for he has already;13. promised me ten fadd��ns. And I have received what you sent;14. with AbȦ Jumìa. I ask Allah on our and your behalf for health in;15. this world and the next, and may He complete for us and for you his bounty and cause us;16. and you to enter into Paradise through his mercy. I wrote this letter of mine to you when three;17. and twenty (days) had passed of Jum��d�� I (and) twenty-six (days) of;18. BaæȦna. And I have already sent to you with R��shid my mule (birdhawn), it being in good health;19. and there not being a fault in his back. So, make sure, may Allah have mercy on you, to send it back to me;20. one month after the pressing. And R��shid has already promised me that he will bring it to me.;21. So when the month of pressing will arrive, let it be fed barely however much it eats.;22. Give many greetings to Sanb�� and admonish him to take care of Daf��ya? And give to AbnȦla,;23. your scribe, many greetings.;24. And peace be upon you and Allah���s blessings.

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