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Original BP record

Index: 217 241 Alexandrie 750
Titre: DELIA Diana, Alexandrian Citizenship During the Roman Principate. (American Philological Association. American Classical Studies. 23.)
Publication: Atlanta, Georgia, Scholars Press, 1991, 8°, xii-210 pp. ISBN 1-55540-525-8 (hbk) / 1-55540-526-6 (pbk). $29.95 (hbk) / $19.95 (pbk).
Résumé: Introduction. - I. Alexandrian Citizenship. - II. Tribes and Demes. - III. The Ephebeia. - IV. Civil Magistracies. - V. The Problem of the Alexandrian Council. - Appendices. - Bibliography. - Indices.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.E.G. XLI, 1607.
C.R.: C.R. par Frédéric Colin, AntCl 62 (1993) pp. 491-493. - Jane Rowlandson, JRS 83 (1993) pp. 250-251. - Dorothy J. Thompson, CR N.S., 43 (1993) pp. 453-454. - John Whitehorne, BibO 51 (1994) coll. 352-353.
No: 1991-0204


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