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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 / 141.5
Index bis: 141.4 / 141.5 P. Oxy. LXVI
Titre: GONIS N. and J. CHAPA, W.E.H. COCKLE, D. OBBINK, P.J. PARSONS, J.D. THOMAS, with contributions by J.L. CALVO MARTÍNEZ, T. FINNEY, E.W. HANDLEY, W.B. HENRY, D. MONTSERRAT, U. SCHLAG, P. SCHUBERT, A. SYRCOU, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXVI (Nos 4494-4544). (Egypt Exploration Society. Graeco-Roman Memoirs. No. 86.)
Publication: London, Egypt Exploration Society, 1999, 8°, xii-248 pp. et XX pll. ISBN 0-85698-140-0.
Résumé: P. Oxy. LXVI, 4494-4544. - I. New Testament (4494-4500). - II. Epigram and Elegy (4501-4507). - III. Comedy (4508-4523). - IV. Documentary Texts (4524-4544).
C.R.: C.R. par Jean Lenaerts, ChrEg 76 (2001) Nos 151-152, pp. 300-304. - Wolfgang Luppe, Gnomon 74 (2002) pp. 485-490.
No: 1999-0077


15603. N. Gonis, J. Chapa, W. E. H. Cockle, D. Obbink, P. J. Parsons, and J. D. Thomas, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume XLVI (Nos 4494-4544) with contributions by J.L. CALVO MARTÍNEZ, T. FINNEY, E.W. HANDLEY, W.B. HENRY, D. MONTSERRAT, U. SCHLAG, P. SCHUBERT, A. SYRCOU, (London 1999). [xml] [edit]