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Original BP record

Index: 364 Menander B 660 690
Titre: ROEBUCK Derek, Ancient Greek Arbitration.
Publication: Oxford, HOLO Books. The Arbitration Press, 2001, 8°, xii-401 pp., 2 cartes. ISBN 0-9537730-1-9. £40.
Résumé: Part One. Theory, Method and Background. - Part Two. The Sources and Their Story. See in part. pp. 247-268: Menander and After; - 300-341: Papyri (The Importance of the Papyri; - The Greeks in Egypt; - The Administration; - The Courts; - Legislation on Arbitrators; - Private Arbitration; - Public Mediation and Arbitration; - Enforcement; - Conclusions). - Part Three. Conclusions. - Chronology. Bibliography. Glossary Index.
No: 2001-0740


16633. Derek Roebuck, Ancient Greek Arbitration., (Oxford 2001). [xml] [edit]