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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 145.4 670
Index bis: 141.4 P. Oxy. II, 372 descr.; III, 604 descr.; 606 descr.; 607 descr. P. Tebt. II, 456 descr.; 514 descr. 145.4 B.G.U. III, 717 P. Amst. I, 40 P. Freib. III, 26; 29; 30 P. Oxy. II, 265; III, 497 P.S.I. V, 450 670
Titre: YIFTACH-FIRANKO Uri, Marriage and Marital Arrangements. A History of the Greek Marriage Document in Egypt. 4th century BCE-4th century CE. (Münchener Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung und antiken Rechtsgeschichte. 93.)
Publication: München, C.H. Beck, 2003, 8°, xiii-381 pp., tabl. et 4 pll. ISBN 3-406-51167-8. €82.
Résumé: Diss. Tel Aviv Univ., 2000. -1. Introduction. - 2. The Sources. - 3. The Act of Marriage. - 4. Double Documentation of Marital Arrangements. - 5. Agraphos gamos. - 6. The Dowry. - 7. The Terms of Joint Life. - 8. The Act of Divorce. - 9. Meta tên teleutên. - 10. Modes of Security. - 11. The Role of the Marriage Document - An Overview. - Appendix I: Charts and Tables. - Appendix II: Six Marriage Documents from Early Roman Oxyrhynchos and Tebtynis. An Edition. - Bibliography. Index locorum. Select General Index. - P. xii: list of new restorations and a new reading.
C.R.: C.R. par Antti Arjava, SCI 24 (2005) pp. 310-313. - Raffaele D'Alessio, Labeo 50 (2004) pp. 369-371. - Agnieszka Kacprzak, JJurP 34 (2004) pp. 286-293. - Jean A. Straus, ChrEg 80 (2005) Nos 159-160, pp. 346-348. - Mario Amelotti, Aegyptus 83 (2003 [2006]) pp. 311-313. - Anne-Marie Vérilhac, Topoi 12-13 (2005) pp. 689-698. - Tanja Scheer, HZ 284 (2007) pp; 419-420. - Jean A. Straus, AntCl 77 (2008) pp. 752-753.
No: 2003-0540


17588. Uri Yiftach-Firanko, Marriage and Marital Arrangements. A History of the Greek Marriage Document in Egypt. 4th century BCE-4th century CE., (München 2003). [xml] [edit]