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Index: 340 364 Epistulae 712 714
Titre: CHOAT Malcolm, Belief and Cult in Fourth-Century Papyri. (Ancient History Documentary Research Centre, Macquarie University, NSW Australia. Studia Antiqua Australiensia. 1.)
Publication: Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 8°, xiv-217 pp., 3 tabl. ISBN 2-503-51327-1. €40.
Résumé: P. vii: Sam LIEU and Alanna NOBBS, Preface. - I. Introduction. - II. Time and Space. - III. A Context for the Search for Belief and Cult. - IV. Language. - V. Direct Identification. - VI. Onomastics. - VII. The Casual Appearance of Cult Officials. - VIII. Citation, Allusion, Echo, and Coincidence. (Table I. Scriptural Quotations or Echoes in Fourth-Century Papyri.) - IX. Words and Concepts. - X. Greeting, Prayer, Devotion, and Farewell. - XI. Crosses in the Margins. - XII. Nomina sacra. - XIII. "Those who think differently". - XIV. Conclusions. Future Directions. (Table 2. Papyrus Letters from Egypt, III/IV - IV/V; - Table 3. Coptic Documentary Papyri, Mid III - Early V). - Bibliography. Indices.
C.R.: C.R. par Thomas J. Kraus, TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism 12 (2007) < >. - Roger S. Bagnall, BASP 43 (2006) pp. 205-209. - Graham Gould, JThS N.S., 58 (2007) pp. 806-807. - Eitan Grossman, SCI 26 (2007) pp. 248-262. - Günter Poethke, ArchPF 53 (2007) pp. 68-69. - Alain Delattre, ChrEg 84 (2009) Nos 167-168, pp. 394-395. - Hans Förster, Tyche 23 (2008) pp. 237-239. - Tonio Sebastian Richter, Enchoria 31 (2008/2009 [2010]) pp. 192-197.
No: 2006-0133


19058. Malcolm Choat, Belief and Cult in Fourth-Century Papyri., (Turnhout 2006). [xml] [edit]