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Index: 142.4 413
Index bis: 142.4 O. Claud. IV
Titre: BÜLOW-JACOBSEN Adam (Edited with translation and commentary by), Mons Claudianus. Ostraca graeca et latina. IV. The Quarry-Texts. O. Claud. 632-896. (Documents de fouilles. 47.)
Publication: Le Caire, Institut français d'Archéologie orientale, 2009, 4°, viii-367 pp., tabl., figg., 1 plan, 75 pll. ISBN 978-2-7247-0494-5. €52.
Résumé: O. Claud. IV, 632-896. - Introduction. - Bibliography. - The Quarry-texts. - Indices. - Appendices: 1. Short Dictionary of Technical Terms in the Present Volume; - 2. How Many People were at Mons Claudianus?; - 3. The Question of Transportation. - Table of concordance.
No: 2009-0065


20700. Adam Bülow-Jacobsen ed., Mons Claudianus. Ostraca graeca et latina. IV. The Quarry-Texts. O. Claud. 632-896., (Le Caire 2009). [xml] [edit]