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Original BP record

Index: 141.4
Index bis: 141.4 P. Warren 5; 6; 7
Titre: Hunt Arthur S., P. Warren 5-7.
Publication: Aegyptus 13 (1933) pp. 241-246.
Résumé: Ed. princ. de: P. Warren 5-7. - 5. Receipt of a shipper. Arsinoite nome, A.D. 133. - 6. Contract of deposit. Idem, A.D. 198-199. - 7. Tax-receipt. Idem, IVth century A.D.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. V, 7534-7536.
No: 1933-0139


34502. Arthur S. Hunt, "P. Warren 5-7.," Aegyptus, 13 (1933), pp. 241-246. [xml] [edit]