Original BP record
Index: 141.4
Index bis: 141.4 P. Bodl. Ms.Gr.class. d. 39 (P); e. 61 P; e. 75 (P); g. 71 (P)
Titre: Wegener E.P., Four Papyri of the Bodleian Library.
Publication: Mnemosyne 3a s., 3 (1936) pp. 232-240 et pl. VIII.
Résumé: 1. P. Bodl. Ms.Gr.class. e. 61 (P). Landlease. Arsinoite nome, A.D. 225. - 2. g. 71
(P). Landlease. Panopolis. A.D. 330. - 3. e. 75 (P). Receipt for the price of cummin
paid in advance. A.D. 320. - 4. d. 39 (P). Contract with oil-dealers. A.D. VI/VII.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. V, 7665-7668.
C.R.: C.R. par Marcel Hombert, ChrEg 11 (1936) No. 22, p. 564. - Ulrich Wilcken, ArchPF
12 (1937) p. 246.
No: 1936-0336
35857. E.P. Wegener, "Four papyri of the Bodleian Library," Mnemosyne, 3 (1936), pp. 232-240. [xml] [edit]
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