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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 650 740
Index bis: 145.4 P. Bremen 32; 33 P. Ryl. IV, 577 P. Vindob. Graec. Inv. 25817
Titre: Wegener E.P., Miscellanea Papyrologica.
Publication: JJurP 9-10 (1955-1956) pp. 97-116.
Résumé: I. The Alexandrian synchoresis P. Vindob. Graec. Inv. 25817. - II. Norman family-life restored in the census-declarations P. Bremen 32 and 33. - III. The ergolaboi in P. Ryl. IV, 577.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. VI, 9145.
No: 1955-0378


41530. E.P. Wegener, "Miscellanea Papyrologica.," JJurP, 9-10 (1955-1956), pp. 97-116. [xml] [edit]