Original BP record
Index: 141.4
Index bis: 141.4 P. N.Y.U. Inv. XX, 1; Inv. XX, 3
Titre: Lewis Naphtali, From the Papyrus Collection of New York University.
Publication: Essays in Honor of C. Bradford Welles = American Studies in Papyrology. 1 (New Haven,
Conn., 1966) pp. 1-7, 1 pl.
Résumé: 1. Inv. XX, 1. Homer, Iliad 3. 188-196. Prov. unk., ca 100 B.C. - 100 A.D. [P. N.Y.U.
II, 38.] - 2. Inv. XX, 3 Recto. Loan of money. May 15, 163 A.D. Prov. unk. - Verso.
Account of expenditures for the ingredients of medicinal receipts. Last third of the
second century.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. X, 10492.
C.R.: C.R. par Marie-Thérèse Lenger, ChrEg 42 (1967) No. 84 pp. 412-413.
No: 1966-0222
46024. Naphtali Lewis, "From the Papyrus Collection of New York University." in Essays in Honor of C. Bradford Welles., 1-7. [xml] [edit]
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