Original BP record
Index: 141.4
Index bis: 141.4 P. Lond. Inv. 1945; 1982; 2210; 2935; 2936
Titre: Coles Revel, More Papyri from the British Museum.
Publication: JEA 53 (1967) pp. 121-130 et pl. XVII.
Résumé: 1-2. P. Lond. Inv. 2935-6. Questions to an Oracle. Socnopaei Nesus?, third cent. A.D.
- 3. Inv. 1982. Sale of a house. Ptolemaïs Euergetis, A.D. 194. - Inv. 1945. Will.
A.D. 126? - 5. Inv. 2210. Lease of bulls. Faiyûm, 10/9 B.C.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. X, 10569-10573.
No: 1967-0094
46379. Revel Coles, "More Papyri from the British Museum.," JEA, 53 (1967), pp. 121-130. [xml] [edit]
Mentioned Texts
- P. Lond. Inv. 1945
- P. Lond. Inv. 1982
- P. Lond. Inv. 2210
- P. Lond. Inv. 2935
- P. Lond. Inv. 2936
- SB X 10569
- SB X 10570
- SB X 10571
- SB X 10572
- SB X 10573
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