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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 364 Epistulae
Index bis: 141.4 P. Osl. Inv. 1023 verso; 1028
Titre: De Kat Eliassen Martha H., Two Private Letters from the Oslo Papyrus Collection.
Publication: SymbOslo 44 (1969) pp. 152-159.
Résumé: P. Oslo Inv. 1028 and 1023 verso. Two letters from Aurelius Philantinous to his father Aurelius Plution. Third century A.D. (1023 recto is dated A.D. 214).
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. X, 10724-10725.
No: 1969-0100


47311. Martha H. De Kat Eliassen, "Two Private Letters from the Oslo Papyrus Collection.," SymbOslo, 44 (1969), pp. 152-159. [xml] [edit]

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