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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 341
Index bis: 141.4 P. Coll. privées: P. Feinberg 1
Titre: Feinberg Lawrence, A Papyrus Text of 1 Kingdoms (1 Samuel) (P. Feinberg 1).
Publication: HThR 62 (1969) pp. 349-356, 2 figg.
Résumé: 1 Kingdoms XXIII, 28 - XXIV, 2; XXI, 6-8; XXIV, 12-13; XXIV, 18-20. Provenance unknown (south of the Delta?), IVth century A.D. (= van Haelst 66).
No: 1969-0128


47339. Lawrence Feinberg, "A Papyrus Text of 1 Kingdoms (1 Samuel) (P. Feinberg 1).," HThR, 62 (1969), pp. 349-356. [xml] [edit]