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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 670
Index bis: 141.4 P. Merton I, 129; 130; 131
Titre: Thomas J. David, Unedited Merton Papyri. I.
Publication: JEA 56 (1970) pp. 172-178 et pl. LXIV.
Résumé: P. Merton I, 129. Ptolemaic fragments. Oxyrhynchus ?, first cent. B.C. - 130. Renunciation of Claims in respect of dowry. Arsinoite nome, A.D. 119-138. - 131. Donatio mortis causa. Arsinoite nome, second cent. A.D. (after 119).
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XII, 10886-10888.
No: 1970-0426


48071. J. David Thomas, "Unedited Merton Papyri. I.," JEA, 56 (1970), pp. 172-178. [xml] [edit]

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