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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 712
Index bis: 141.4 P. Yale Inv. 298 recto; 414; 855; 1098
Titre: Parássoglou George M., On Priests and Their Affairs in Roman Egypt.
Publication: StPap 12 (1973) pp. 7-21.
Résumé: 1. P. Yale Inv. 414 recto. List of priests. Tebtunis, early ii. - 2. Inv. 298 recto. List of professionals. Idem. - 3. Inv. 855. List of landholders. Hypsile, ii. - 4. Inv. 1098. Fragment of an agreement. Ptolemais Drymou, 161-169.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XII, 11156-11159.
No: 1973-0321


49522. George M. Parássoglou, "On Priests and Their Affairs in Roman Egypt.," StPap, 12 (1973), pp. 7-21. [xml] [edit]

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