Original BP record
Index: 142.4
Index bis: 142.4 O. Coll. privées
Titre: Sijpesteijn P.J., Fourteen Ostraca from a Private Collection.
Publication: ZPE 14 (1974) pp. 229-239 et pl. XI.
Résumé: 1. List of names. 2nd cent. A.D. - 2. Idem. Idem. - 3. Idem. 2nd or 3rd cent. A.D.
- 4. Idem. Idem. - 5. Letter. 2nd cent. A.D. - 6. Idem. Idem. - 7. Idem. Idem. - 8.
Idem. 2nd or 3rd cent. A.D. - 9. Official letter. 2nd cent. A.D. - 10. Receipt for
chaff. 26.5.-24.6.178. A.D. - 11. Receipt for "praktoreia". 29.7.180 A.D. - 12. Receipt
for annona. 3.5.182 A.D. - 13. Receipt for rent. Last half of the 2nd cent. A.D. -
14. Receipt for poll-tax (coptic). 7th or 8th cent. A.D.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XII, 11249-11261.
No: 1974-0535
50301. P.J. Sijpesteijn, "Fourteen Ostraca from a Private Collection.," ZPE, 14 (1974), pp. 229-239. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20180696 [xml] [edit]
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