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Original BP record

Index: 145.4
Index bis: 145.4 O. Edfou II, 269 P.S.I. XII, 1225
Titre: Whitehorne J.E.G., C.P.Jud. II 193 and PSI XII 1225.
Publication: BASP 12 (1975) pp. 121-125.
Résumé: I. The Date of C.P.Jud. II 193 (= O. Edfou II, 269). - II. Corrections to PSI XII, 1225.
No: 1975-0678


51118. J.E.G. Whitehorne, "C.P.Jud. II 193 and PSI XII 1225.," BASP, 12 (1975), pp. 121-125. [xml] [edit]