Original BP record
Index: 141.4 660 670
Index bis: 141.4 P. Coll. Youtie II, 92
Titre: Barns J.W.B., Loan of Money with Hypotheke: PCairo Maspero 67023 + PFitzhugh.
Publication: Collectanea Papyrologica. Texts Published in Honor of H.C. Youtie. II (Bonn, 1976)
pp. 589-594.
Résumé: Antinoopolis, A.D. 569. P. Fitzhugh porte la partie inférieure (ll, 24-43) du document
dont P. Cairo Masp. I, 67023 est le début.
No: 1976-0030
51202. John Wintour Baldwin Barns, "Loan of Money with Hypotheke: PCairo Maspero 67023 + PFitzhugh." in Collectanea Papyrologica. Texts Published in Honor of H.C. Youtie. II, 589-594. [xml] [edit]
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