Original BP record
Index: 145.4
Index bis: 145.4 P. Flor. III, 311
Titre: Sijpesteijn Pieter Johannes und Klaas A. Worp, The Date of P. Flor. III 311 Reconsidered.
Publication: ZPE 36 (1979) pp. 105-106.
Résumé: 24.VI.448 A.D.
No: 1979-0492
53411. Pieter Johannes Sijpesteijn and Klaas A. Worp, "The Date of P. Flor. III 311 Reconsidered.," ZPE, 36 (1979), pp. 105-106. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20185783 [xml] [edit]
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