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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 364 Epistulae 690
Index bis: 141.4 P. Osl. Inv. 1088; 1091; 1621
Titre: De Kat Eliassen Martha H., Three Papyri from the Oslo Collection.
Publication: SymbOslo 56 (1981) pp. 99-104.
Résumé: Inv. 1088 and 1091. Two complaints with petitions. Tebtynis, A.D. 97, August 31 and (before?) A.D. 98. - Inv. 1621. Address ("semasia") arranged as a letter. Our papyrus may have accompanied some parcel on its way to Alexandria. iii/iv cent. A.D.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XVI, 12548-12550.
No: 1981-0145


54239. Martha H. De Kat Eliassen, "Three Papyri from the Oslo Collection.," SymbOslo, 56 (1981), pp. 99-104. [xml] [edit]

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