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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 630
Index bis: 141.4 P. Carlsberg 46; 47; 48
Titre: Bülow-Jacobsen Adam, Three Ptolemaic Tax Receipts from Hawara (P. Carlsberg 46-48).
Publication: BICS 29 (1982) pp. 12-16 et pll. 1-2.
Résumé: Receipts for various aspects of "egkuklion" paid for a mortgage on a third part of some buildings in "Aueris", which is presumably the modern Hawara. 9.3.239 - 237 (?) - 17.5.236 B.C. - 46 and 48 with sealed interior writing.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XVI, 12342-12344.
No: 1982-0079


54917. Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, "Three Ptolemaic Tax Receipts from Hawara (P. Carlsberg 46-48).," BICS, 29 (1982), pp. 12-16. [xml] [edit]

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