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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 145.4 712
Index bis: 141.4 P. Osl. Inv. 1672 145.4 P. Osl. Inv. 1669
Titre: Clarysse Willy and Jan Quaegebeur, Ibion, Isieion and Tharesieion in two Oslo Papyri.
Publication: SymbOslo 57 (1982) pp. 69-85, 1 pl.
Résumé: Re-edition of P. Osl. Inv. 1669 = S.B. VI, 9628. - Edition of P. Osl. Inv. 1672: from the same cartonnage as 1669. Petition or hupomnema addressed to the epistates Artemon concerning two sanctuaries, an ibis-temple and a shrine of Isis. Arsinoites (?), second half of the third cent. B.C. - Study on the term Tharesieîon.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XVI, 12551-12552.
No: 1982-0107


54945. Willy Clarysse and Jan Quaegebeur, "Ibion, Isieion and Tharesieion in two Oslo Papyri.," SymbOslo, 57 (1982), pp. 69-85. [xml] [edit]

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