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Original BP record

Index: 142.4 413
Index bis: 142.4 O. Coll. privées
Titre: Daniel Robert W., A New Ptolemaic Ostracon.
Publication: ZPE 52 (1983) p. 272 et pl. IX a.
Résumé: Order to deliver a wine press and filtered (?) wine, "oino(n) diulet". Lower rather than Upper Egypt, Epeiph 8 of year 21 (either of Ptolemy X Alexander = 94/93 B.C. or of Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos = 61/60 B.C.).
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XVI, 13038.
No: 1983-0153


55651. Robert W. Daniel, "A New Ptolemaic Ostracon.," ZPE, 52 (1983), pp. 272. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

SB XVI 13038