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Original BP record

Index: 230 610
Titre: Sijpesteijn Pieter Johannes, More Remarks on Some Imperial Titles in the Papyri. II.
Publication: ZPE 54 (1984) pp. 65-82 et pl. I b-c.
Résumé: Continued from: ZPE 40 (1980) pp. 130-138; - 45 (1982) pp. 177-196; - 49 (1982) pp. 97-111. - Pp. 77-79: List of the texts dealt with in the present article. - Pp. 79-82: Appendix: (1) P. Lond. III, 1224; - (2) P. Lond. III, 896a; - (3) P. Lond. III, 809; - (4) P. Fay. 295 (pl. I b); - (5) P. Vindob. Graec. Inv. 23095 + 25770 (pl. I c).
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XVI, 13046-13050; - S.E.G. XXXIV, 1561; 1597; 1602.
No: 1984-0629


56830. Pieter Johannes Sijpesteijn, "More Remarks on Some Imperial Titles in the Papyri. II.," ZPE, 54 (1984), pp. 65-82. [xml] [edit]