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Original BP record

Index: 142.13 / 142.4 630
Index bis: 142.13 / 142.4 O. Coll. privées
Titre: Stewart Randall, Two Coptic-Greek Bills of Lading.
Publication: ArchPF 30 (1984) pp. 105-106 et figg. 16-17.
Résumé: Written in Sahidic, with a résumé and date in Greek. Wadi Sarga (?), eighth century.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XVI, 12800-12801.
No: 1984-0662


56863. Randall Stewart, "Two Coptic-Greek Bills of Lading.," ArchPF, 30 (1984), pp. 105-106. [xml] [edit]

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