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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 230
Index bis: 145.4 P. Oxy. VI, 912
Titre: Peachin Michael, P. Oxy. VI 912 and the Accession of Maximinus Thrax.
Publication: ZPE 59 (1985) pp. 75-78.
Résumé: P. Oxy. VI, 912 dates to Thot 1 (= August 30) A.D. 235, and it does not affect the problem of Maximinus' accession.
No: 1985-0424


57398. Michael Peachin, "P. Oxy. VI 912 and the Accession of Maximinus Thrax.," ZPE, 59 (1985), pp. 75-78. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

P. Oxy. VI 912