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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 630
Index bis: 141.4 P. Mich. Inv. 145
Titre: Sijpesteijn Pieter Johannes, List of Canal Workers.
Publication: ZPE 60 (1985) pp. 282-288 et pl. XIII d-e.
Résumé: Four fragments that once formed part of a "tomos synkollesimos". Arsinoite nome, Aug. 21-25, 154 A.D.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XVIII, 13904-13909.
No: 1985-0510


57484. Pieter Johannes Sijpesteijn, "List of Canal Workers.," ZPE, 60 (1985), pp. 282-288. [xml] [edit]