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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 416
Index bis: 145.4 S.B. I, 5441
Titre: Derda Tomasz, "Strouthos - pdd", an Example of a Bilingual Nickname (Reconsideration of SB I 5441).
Publication: ZPE 65 (1986) pp. 187-190.
Résumé: The genitive "Strouthou" (instead of "ophuthou") in the Greek text of S.B. I, 5441 (= C.E.M.G. 1730) is the exact equivalent of the Egyptian nickname that means "the sparrow."
No: 1986-0151


57740. Tomasz Derda, ""Strouthos - pdd", an Example of a Bilingual Nickname (Reconsideration of SB I 5441).," ZPE, 65 (1986), pp. 187-190. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

S.B. I 5441