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Original BP record

Index: 364 Epistulae 756
Titre: Rea John R., A Letter of Condolence: CPR VI 81 Revised.
Publication: ZPE 62 (1986) pp. 75-78.
Résumé: C.P.R. VI, 81. New readings and restorations. The dead person was a daughter. Hermopolis (?), the late third century or early fourth.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XVIII, 13946.
No: 1986-0525


58115. John R. Rea, "A Letter of Condolence: CPR VI 81 Revised.," ZPE, 62 (1986), pp. 75-78. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

SB XVIII 13946