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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 630
Index bis: 145.4 P. Oxy. VII, 1044; XLII, 3047
Titre: Rowlandson Jane L., P. Oxy. XLII 3047, VII 1044, and the Land Tax in Kind.
Publication: ZPE 67 (1987) pp. 283-292, 3 tabl.
Résumé: The abbreviation "an-i's'" which occurs in P. Oxy. XLII, 3047 lines 22 and 28, was correctly written and refers to rates of taxation on land. The analysis of P. Oxy. XLII, 3047 has a bearing on our understanding of P. Oxy. VII, 1044.
No: 1987-0462


58749. Jane L. Rowlandson, "P. Oxy. XLII 3047, VII 1044, and the Land Tax in Kind.," ZPE, 67 (1987), pp. 283-292. [xml] [edit]