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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 714 730
Index bis: 141.4 P. Cair. Inv. 10077; 10078; 10079
Titre: Sijpesteijn Pieter Johannes, The Monastery of Abbas Andreas.
Publication: ZPE 70 (1987) pp. 54-56 et pl I. b-d.
Résumé: Three papyri, written by one and the same hand, illustrating the economic activites of the monastery of Abbas Andreas. - 1. Inv. 10077. February 19, A.D. 556. - 2. Inv. 10078. March 7, A.D. 556. - 3. Inv. 10079. June 19, A.D. 556.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XVIII, 14061-14063.
No: 1987-0505


58792. Pieter Johannes Sijpesteijn, "The Monastery of Abbas Andreas.," ZPE, 70 (1987), pp. 54-56. [xml] [edit]

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