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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 145.4
Index bis: 141.4 P. Coll. privées: P. Worp 145.4 P. Med. Inv. 73.12; 73.14
Titre: Worp Klaas Anthony, The Milano Tax-Receipts of Paulus, Son of Menas: an Addendum.
Publication: Aegyptus 67 (1987) pp. 99-100.
Résumé: Tax receipt. Arsinoites, VI p. It belongs to a little dossier of similar texts published by: Carla Salvaterra, Tre ricevute d'imposta di epoca bizantina: P. Med. Inv. 73.14, 74.04 e 73.12, Aegyptus 66 (1986) pp. 51-62 and pll. 13-15.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XVIII, 13152.
No: 1987-0586


58873. Klaas Anthony Worp, "The Milano Tax-Receipts of Paulus, Son of Menas: an Addendum.," Aegyptus, 67 (1987), pp. 99-100. [xml] [edit]

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