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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 150 341
Index bis: 141.4 P. Lond.
Titre: Pattie Thomas S., A Little-known Collection of Papyri in the British Library.
Publication: Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Papyrology. I (Athens, 1988) pp. 147-150.
Résumé: About one thousand folders of unglazed papyri set aside by Kenyon and Bell. One Biblical text on vellum (folder 0507e) contains Psalm 30 (31 Vulgate), verses 14-17, dated 4th or 5th century. - P. 148: some new geographical places and list of names of persons.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XX, 14617-14620.
No: 1988-0519


59410. Thomas S. Pattie, "A Little-known Collection of Papyri in the British Library." in Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Papyrology. I, P. Lond. 147-150. [xml] [edit]