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Original BP record

Index: 141.4
Index bis: 141.4 P. Robinson Inv. 4; 7; 13; 20; 44; 49; 50; 59
Titre: Willis William H., Oxyrhynchite Documents among the Robinson Papyri.
Publication: BASP 25 (1988) pp. 99-127, 6 pll.
Résumé: Paper presented to the XIX Int. Congr. of Pap., Cairo 1989. Eight documents, A.D. I-III: Division of Property; Orders for Grants of Seed (2 doc.); Declaration of Weavers; Trooper's Receipt for Barley; Lease of Farm Land; Lease of a Vineyard; Payment Order for Purchase at Auction.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XX, 14285-14292.
No: 1988-0733


59624. William H. Willis, "Oxyrhynchite Documents among the Robinson Papyri.," BASP, 25 (1988), pp. 99-127. [xml] [edit]