sign in

Original BP record

Index: 145.4 413
Index bis: 145.4 S.P.P. XX, 217
Titre: Brunner Theodore F., "Sideraios": SPP XX 217.
Publication: ZPE 79 (1989) pp. 281-282.
Résumé: Replies to: Andrea Jördens, "Sideraios = athanatos"?, ZPE 71 (1988) pp. 99-104. The form "sideraios" appears not only in S.P.P. XX, 217, but also in Joannes Lydus' "De magistratibus" 158.5-12. There is no special and technical meaning in the spelling "sideraios".
No: 1989-0094


59746. Theodore F. Brunner, ""Sideraios": SPP XX 217.," ZPE, 79 (1989), pp. 281-282. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

S.P.P. XX 217