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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 145.4 520 752
Index bis: 141.4 P. Carlsberg 53; 57 145.4 P. Yale Inv. 298
Titre: Bülow-Jacobsen Adam and Bente Holmen, Two Greek Papyri from Carlsberg from Tebtunis. P. Carlsberg 53 and 57. - P. Carlsberg 53 back.
Publication: ZPE 78 (1989) pp. 125-132 et pl. VIII.
Résumé: Tebtunis, II cent. P. Carlsberg 53. List of Fullers and Dyers. On the verso, drawing of an Egyptian god. - P. Carlsberg 57 + S.B. XII, 11157 [= P. Yale Inv. 298].
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XX, 15023-15024.
No: 1989-0096


59748. Adam Bülow-Jacobsen and Bente Holmen, "Two Greek Papyri from Carlsberg from Tebtunis. P. Carlsberg 53 and 57. - P. Carlsberg 53 back.," ZPE, 78 (1989), pp. 125-132. [xml] [edit]

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