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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 216
Index bis: 145.4 P. Nessana III, 58
Titre: Mayerson Philip, P. Ness. 58 and Two "Vaticinia ex Eventu" in Hebrew.
Publication: ZPE 77 (1989) pp. 283-286.
Résumé: Discussion of the receipt P. Nessana III, 58, 6-11. The document fits neatly into the picture of Umayyad settlement in Palestine.
No: 1989-0417


60069. Philip Mayerson, "P. Ness. 58 and Two "Vaticinia ex Eventu" in Hebrew.," ZPE, 77 (1989), pp. 283-286. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

P. Nessana III 58