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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 364 Medicorum Scripta
Index bis: 141.4 P. Berol. Inv. 21272
Titre: BRASHEAR William, Prescription.
Publication: Essays in Honor of Prof. Lin Zhichun (Ri Zhi) on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday = JAC 5 (1990) pp. 151-158 et 1 pl.
Résumé: Medical prescription probably for alleviating an eye wound. Hermupolis, V-VI cent. A.D. - P. 157-158: Addenda to IDEM, Rezept, JAC 4 (1989) pp. 61-80, 1 pl.
No: 1990-0103


60436. William M. Brashear, "Prescription." JAC, 5 (1990), pp. 151-158. [xml] [edit]