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Original BP record

Index: 910
Titre: DERDA Tomasz, Inscriptions with the Formula θεοῦ χάρις κέρδος on Late Roman Amphorae.
Publication: ZPE 94 (1992) pp. 135-152 et pl. V.
Résumé: Catalogue presented in geographical order. - See pp. 141-145: I. Egypt: 1-2. Amphorae Naqlun Inv. No. 265/86 (Doc. No. 565/86); without Reg. No. (Doc. No. 294/90); - 3. Amphora of the "spatheion" type, Alexandria Reg. No. SA 721/61; - 4-7. S.B. I, 1965; 1984a; 1984b; 1984d. - "All the amphorae were used in the 6th century to transport olive oil produced in estates belonging to monasteries (or churches)."
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XX, 15195-15197; - S.E.G. XLII, 1508-1514.
No: 1992-0224


62186. Tomasz Derda, "Inscriptions with the Formula θεοῦ χάρις κέρδος on Late Roman Amphorae.," ZPE, 94 (1992), pp. 135-152. [xml] [edit]