Original BP record
Index: 141.4 364 Epistulae 620
Index bis: 141.4 P. Giss. I, 116; 124 descr.
Titre: LUKASZEWICZ Adam, Two Papyri from Giessen (P. Giss. Inv. 56 and 147).
Publication: JJurP 22 (1992) pp. 37-42 et 2 pll.
Résumé: 1. P. Giss. I, 116 descr. (= Inv. 56). From internal papers of the governor's office.
Thebaid, IVth cent. A.D. - 2. P. Giss. I, 124 descr. (= Inv. 147). Fragment of a letter?
Provenance unknown, VIth cent. A.D.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XX, 14515-14516.
No: 1992-0491
62453. Adam Łukaszewicz, "Two Papyri from Giessen (P. Giss. Inv. 56 and 147).," JJurP, 22 (1992), pp. 37-42. [xml] [edit]
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