Original BP record
Index: 364 Calendaria Monastica 364 / 365 Glossaria
Titre: REA John R., A New Bithynian Month List.
Publication: ZPE 90 (1992) pp. 289-291.
Résumé: P. Coll. privées [ed.: D. MONTSERRAT, A Fragment of a Monastic Duty Roster?, BASP
27 (1990) pp. 163-168, 1 pl.]. The remains interpreted in ed. pr. as a list of personal
names are recognizable as Bithynian month names. It may be a possibility that this
fragment formed part of a Latin-Greek glossary, or of a handbook or collection of
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XX, 15179.
No: 1992-0661
62623. John R. Rea, "A New Bithynian Month List.," ZPE, 90 (1992), pp. 289-291. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20187650 [xml] [edit]
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