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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 145.5 620
Index bis: 145.4 B.G.U. II, 600 O. Skeat Mich. 11 145.5 P. Hibeh II, 276
Titre: SPEIDEL Michael P., Centurions and Horsemen of Legio II Traiana.
Publication: Michael P. SPEIDEL, Roman Army Studies. II (Stuttgart, 1992) pp. 233-239.
Résumé: Reproduit de: Aegyptus 66 (1986) pp. 163-168.
No: 1992-0744


62706. Michael P. Speidel, "Centurions and Horsemen of Legio II Traiana." in Michael P. SPEIDEL, Roman Army Studies. II, 233-239. [xml] [edit]

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