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Original BP record

Index: 141.4
Index bis: 141.4 P. E.E.S. sans No. d'Inv.
Titre: BARNS John, A Fayûm Miscellany. Avec avant-propos de Revel COLES.
Publication: APapyrol 5 (1993) pp. 23-47, 9 figg.
Résumé: Part of the late Professor John Barns' doctoral thesis (deposited in the Bodleian Library in 1947). - 1. Private Accounts. Arsinoite nome, late 3rd or early 2nd cent. B.C. - 2. Accounts. Idem. - 3. Loan of Seed Corn. Arsinoite nome, 156 B.C. - 4. Receipts for φόρος προβάτων etc. Arsinoite nome, A.D. 151-153. - 5. Return of flooded land and accounts of wheat and barley crops. Tebtunis, A.D. 181.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXII, 15238-15242.
No: 1993-0041


62852. John Wintour Baldwin Barns, "A Fayûm Miscellany. Avec avant-propos de Revel COLES.," APapyrol, 5 (1993), pp. 23-47. [xml] [edit]