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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 145.4 364 Dioscorus Aphroditensis 670
Index bis: 141.4 P. Berol. Inv. 21334 145.4 P. Lond. V, 1710
Titre: KUEHN Clement A., A New Papyrus of a Dioscorian Poem and Marriage Contract. P. Berol. Inv. No. 21334.
Publication: ZPE 97 (1993) pp. 103-115 et pll. II-III.
Résumé: Several factors suggest that the papyrus originally belonged to P. Lond. V, 1710 and P. lit. Lond. 101 (= Pack2 351). - I. The Marriage Contract. The recto contains part of a statement of debt, probably for a donatio propter nuptias; it was possibly a copy of the final agreement written by a clerk for Dioscorus's records. Antinoopolis, c. A.D. 567-573. - II. The Verse Encomium. The verso contains iambic trimeters written by Dioscorus's hand; the addressee cannot be identified. Aphrodito, c. A.D. 567-585.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXII, 15633.
No: 1993-0377


63188. Clement A. Kuehn, "A New Papyrus of a Dioscorian Poem and Marriage Contract. P. Berol. Inv. No. 21334.," ZPE, 97 (1993), pp. 103-115. [xml] [edit]

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