Original BP record
Index: 145.4 620 630
Index bis: 145.4 P. Nessana III, 39
Titre: NEGEV Avraham, The Papyri from Nessana and the End of Nabataean and Byzantine Settlements
in the Negev. [En hébreu, avec résumé en anglais.]
Publication: Michael GELTZER, Arthur SEGAL and Daniel KAUFMAN (Edd.), Studies in the Archaeology
and History of Ancient Israel in Honour of Moshe Dothan (Haifa, 1993) pp. 231-242
et 25*.
Résumé: The editor of P. Ness. III, 39 (mid-VI?) concluded that this was a partial list of
sites together with a record of taxes imposed on land property. The present author
suggests that the sums of money listed form the support funds which the imperial authorities
transferred to the militia units stationed in the 9 fortified cities.
No: 1993-0542
63353. Avraham Negev, "The Papyri from Nessana and the End of Nabataean and Byzantine Settlements in the Negev. [En hébreu, avec résumé en anglais.]" in Michael Geltzer , Arthur Segal , and Daniel Kaufman eds.Studies in the Archaeology and History of Ancient Israel in Honour of Moshe Dothan, 231-242. [xml] [edit]
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