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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 145.4 146
Index bis: 141.4 P. Cair. sans No. d'Inv. 145.4 P. Col. Zenon I, 59
Titre: ALY Zaki, An Agenda-List Compiled by Zenon's Hand.
Publication: Zaki ALY, Essays and Papers. A Miscellaneous Output of Greek Papyri from Graeco-Roman Egypt (Athens, 1994) pp. 181-185 et pll. XIX-XXI.
Résumé: Reproduit de: Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Papyrology. II (Athens, 1988) pp. 55-62, 3 pll.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XX, 14621.
No: 1994-0016


63623. Zaki Aly, "An Agenda-List Compiled by Zenon's Hand." in Zaki ALY, Essays and Papers. A Miscellaneous Output of Greek Papyri from Graeco-Roman Egypt, 181-185. [xml] [edit]

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