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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 364 Carmina varia Graeca Homeri Commentatores Homerus Mathematica Philo Alexandrinus Prosa varia Tachygraphica
Index bis: 141.4 P. Berol. Inv. 21302; 21303; 21304; 21306; 21307; 21308; 21310; 21320; 21330; 21333; 21339; 21340; 21342
Titre: BRASHEAR William, Literary and Sub-Literary Papyri from Berlin.
Publication: Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists (Copenhagen, 1994) pp. 284-294 et pll. 18-25.
Résumé: 1. Inv. 21333. HOMER, Iliad XVI 31-35. Hermupolis, V. - 2. Inv. 21339. HOMER, Iliad XXIII 670-676, 710-714. IV. - 3. Inv. 21306. Homeric Glossary to Iliad I 97f. VII. - 4. Inv. 21304. Prose (History?). Abusir el Melek, II B.C. - 5. Inv. 21340. Elegiac Couplets. II B.C. - 6. Inv. 21302. Lyric? II. - 7. Inv. 21342. PHILO, Quod Deus Sit Immutabilis 151, 154-155. VI-VII. - 8. Inv. 21303. Table of Parts; Multiplication Table. VII-VIII. - 9. Inv. 21310. Multiplication and Penmanship Exercises. VIII. - 10. Inv. 21308. Tables of Parts. VII. - 11. Inv. 21320. Shorthand Manual. V-VI. - 12. Inv. 21307. Shorthand Manual. IV-V. - 13. Inv. 21330. Shorthand Syllabary. Hermupolis, V.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXII, 15555.
No: 1994-0152


63759. William M. Brashear, "Literary and Sub-Literary Papyri from Berlin." in Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists. Copenhagen, 23-29 August, 1992., 284-294. [xml] [edit]

Mentioned Texts

SB XXII 15555