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Original BP record

Index: 142.4 142.5 241 Myos Hormos 364 / 365 Epistulae
Index bis: 142.4 O. Max. Inv. 175; 267; 279 + 467; 300; 386; 574; 654 142.5 O. Max. Inv. 254
Titre: BÜLOW-JACOBSEN Adam, Hélène CUVIGNY and Jean-Luc FOURNET, The Identification of Myos Hormos. New Papyrological Evidence.
Publication: BIFAO 94 (1994) pp. 27-42, 4 pll.
Résumé: Eight occurrences of Μυὸς Ὅρμος in private letters reveal that Myos Hormos was situated on the coast, at the end of the road, i.e. Quseir. Edition of the texts (II A.D.) in advance of their appearance in the Ostraca Maximiana (O. Max.).
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXII, 15452-15459.
No: 1994-0168


63775. Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, Hélène Cuvigny, and Jean-Luc Fournet, "Hélène CUVIGNY and Jean-Luc FOURNET, The Identification of Myos Hormos. New Papyrological Evidence.," BIFAO, 94 (1994), pp. 27-42. [xml] [edit]