Original BP record
Index: 145.4 730
Index bis: 145.4 P. Nessana III, 82
Titre: MAYERSON Philip, Wheat in the Roman World: An Addendum.
Publication: Philip MAYERSON, Monks, Martyrs, Soldiers and Saracens. Papers on the Near East in
Late Antiquity (1962-1993) (Jerusalem, 1994) pp. 222-223.
Résumé: Reproduit de: CQ 34 (1984) pp. 243-245.
No: 1994-0575
64183. Philip Mayerson, "Wheat in the Roman World: An Addendum." in Philip MAYERSON, Monks, Martyrs, Soldiers and Saracens. Papers on the Near East in Late Antiquity (1962-1993), 222-223. [xml] [edit]
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